
Pedestrian Mobility and Safety Enhancement Study
Downtown Jacksonville Pedestrian Mobility and Safety Enhancement Study, Duval County, FL
The City of Jacksonville has developed a Downtown Action Plan, which contains visions, objectives and action steps for a revitalized downtown in the City of Jacksonville, Florida. One of the main objectives of the Downtown Action Plan is to improve walkability by enhancing pedestrian mobility and safety and at the same time not dramatically impact automobile mobility of downtown patrons. Mr. Chindalur served as the Project Engineer on the pilot study identifying strategies for enhancing pedestrian mobility and safety along sections of Adams and Monroe Street. A few of the recommended strategies included reducing speeds of the automobile traffic and increase accessibility by converting one-way streets to two-way streets, installing traffic calming devices and several traffic operation changes for a more pedestrian friendly Downtown.
Mobility Plan Analysis
City of Fernandina Beach Mobility Plan Analysis, Nassau County, FL
Chindalur Traffic Solutions, Inc. provided the Mobility Plan Analysis that included the Traffic Analysis Element and the Alternative Modes of Transportation Analysis Element of the Mobility Plan. Studied and recommended operational and geometric improvements to study intersections that improved operations for vehicular traffic and safety to bicycle and pedestrians. Alternative modes of transportation analysis involved identifying the needs and supplementing the existing and proposed Bicycle/Pedestrian Walking Paths with Golf Cart Paths/Multimodal network.

Road Diet Operational Feasibility Analysis
Sadler Road – Road Diet Operational Feasibility Analysis, Nassau County, FL
Chindalur Traffic Solutions, Inc. provided road diet operational feasibility analysis for the section of Sadler Road between south 14th Street and South Fletcher Avenue. The reduction of lanes allowed the roadway cross section to be reallocated for other uses such as bike lanes, pedestrian refuge islands, transit uses, and/or parking.
School Zone Design
School Zone Design for Seaside Charter School
Chindalur Traffic Solutions, Inc. is currently providing school zone design for facilitating a safe crossing for students walking to the proposed Seaside Charter School in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. The design involved providing a student crosswalk with refuge islands and providing mast-arm design for accommodating overhead school zone sign and flashers.

Signal Modification
Challenger Center Road Signal Modification, Clay County, FL
Project Manager responsible for providing signal modification plans at the intersection of Challenger Drive/Trail Ridge Road interchange in Clay County. Trail Ridge Road was proposed for extension on the east side of Challenger Drive in Clay County, Florida. Due to this extension, the existing signal was required to be modified to provide a fourth approach at the subject intersection. Traffic signal modification plans were prepared to achieve this extension.
Speed Study
Tynes Boulevard, Speed Study – Clay County, FL
Responsible for completing speed study on Tynes Boulevard and Trail Ridge Road in Clay County, Florida. As part of the study, travel time runs were also performed during AM, Mid-day and PM peak periods. The study revealed that the 85th percentile speeds on Tynes Boulevard are in the 35 to 43 miles per hour and the 85th percentile speeds on Trail Ridge Road are in the range of 41 to 43 mile per hour. Hence, recommendations were provided to modify the existing 25 mph posted speeds to 35 mph.

Transportation Needs Study and Mobility Plan / Mobility Fee
Nassau County County-Wide Transportation Needs Study and Mobility Plan / Mobility Fee, Nassau County, FL
Project Engineer for the development and completion of the County’s Mobility study based on Vehicle Miles Traveled. The study includes a detailed transportation related review and analysis culminating in a list of infrastructure projects and mobility fee necessary to maintain the adopted level of service in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan to the 2035 LRTP planning horizon.
Multi-way Stop Warrant Analysis
Multi-way Stop Warrant Analysis, Multiple Locations, Clay County, FL
Project Manager responsible for performing multi-way stop warrant analysis at Debarry Avenue/Patricia Lane, Sandlewood Drive/Ridge Crest Avenue and Town Center Parkway/Old Hard Road intersections. Installation of stop controls for all approaches of the intersection at Debarry Avenue/Patricia Lane were recommended. Minor adjustments to stop bar locations were also recommended to improve intersection sight distances. All-way stop control was not warranted at the Sandlewood Drive/Ridge Crest Avenue. However, adjustments to stop bars locations on the minor approaches were recommended to improve intersection sight distances. Although all-way stops are anticipated to be warranted at Town Center Parkway/Old Hard Road intersection, further investigation is being provided to see if alternative intersection controls would be appropriate due to the type of land uses present in the vicinity of the intersection

Signal Modification and Left Turn Lane Design
Traffic Signal Modification and Left Turn Lane Design, Duval County, FL
Project Manager responsible for providing design for modification of a traffic signal at a T-intersection to add a fourth approach due to construction of a residential development at the intersection of Kernan Boulevard and The District in Duval County, Florida. CTSi also provided roadway design services to build a northbound left turn lane on Kernan Boulevard into the proposed single family residential development. Also provided signing and pavement marking plans for the intersection traffic signal modification and the turn lane on Kernan Boulevard. The design included co-ordination with the Surveyor, Geo-technical soil testing and Sub-surface utility verification consultants
Traffic Signal Design
Normandy Boulevard and Adams Lake Boulevard Traffic Signal Design, Duval County, Florida
Project Manager responsible for providing design of a traffic signal at the Normandy Boulevard and Adams Lake Boulevard intersection in Duval County, Florida. Also provided signing and pavement marking plans along with the intersection traffic signal design. The design included co-ordination with the Surveyor, Geo-technical soil testing and Sub-surface utility verification consultants.

Signal Warrant Analysis & Traffic Signal Design
Collins Road and Plantation Bay Drive Signal Warrant Analysis & Traffic Signal Design, Duval County, Florida
Project Manager responsible for providing signal warrant analysis and design of a traffic signal at the Collins Road and Plantation Bay Drive intersection on Duval County, Florida. Also provided signing and pavement marking plans along with the intersection traffic signal design. The design included co-ordination with the Surveyor, Geo-technical soil testing and Sub-surface utility verification consultants.
Plan Amendments and Concurrency
Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Concurrency LDTAs – St. Johns County, FL
Project Manager responsible for providing Land Development Traffic Assessments for the proposed large scale mixed use Comprehensive Plan Amendments – ICI Middlebourne, WCI CR 210, Steeplechase and Grand Oaks Developments. These developments are anticipated to include 450 to 999 single family residential dwelling units and 150,000 to 350,000 SF retail/office land uses. The study included trip generation, project traffic distribution (Using NERPM – Travel Demand Model), roadway segment analysis, intersection capacity analysis to determine the impacts of the proposed development on roadway segments within a four-mile radius of the proposed development. The analysis also included operational analysis and evaluation to determine the need for a signal, auxiliary turn lanes (left turn and right turn lanes) at study intersection the proposed access intersections.

Wildwood Drive
Wildwood Drive, St. Johns County, FL
Project Engineer responsible for providing design traffic analysis/study at 11 intersections along Wildwood Drive between SR 207 and US 1 (Dixie Highway) to address Collector Road Standards as was required as part of the “Comprehensive Evaluation Study and Preliminary Geometric Design” of the 3.2 mile long corridor of Wildwood Drive in St. Johns County. The scope of work included obtaining turning movement counts, perform turn lane warrant analysis, intersection capacity analysis and to determine the length of the warranted turn lanes at the study intersections. Use of video equipment: Captured turning movements at all 10 intersections on the same day using intelligent video equipment which helped to accelerate the analysis schedule. Minimum Right of Way Impacts: Recommended turn lanes, continuous turn lanes including center turn lanes to minimize the required right of way acquisition while achieving project goals.
Component Evaluation Study
JTA Interchange Component Evaluation Study, Duval County, FL
Transportation Planner/Engineer responsible for assisting in the analysis and results of the Phase II and Phase III Better Jacksonville Plan (BJP) Interchange Component Evaluation study for the Jacksonville Transportation Authority. The study was to evaluate four corridors in southeast Duval County to determine the best combination of improvements at selected study intersections on the corridors to reduce congestion and delay in the PM peak design hour (K30) for the horizon year 2025 traffic. Used Synchro 6/SimTraffic in the analysis to estimate delay and network speed.

Developments of Regional Impact
Developments of Regional Impact (DRIs), Florida
Project Engineer responsible for several DRI analyses. Development of
Regional Impact is a large mixed use development which, because of its character, magnitude or location, would have a substantial effect upon the health, safety or welfare of citizens of more than one county.
- Ashford Mills DRI is a mixed land use planned development consists of about 1,520 acres of land which comprises of about 2,650 residential units, 250,000 square feet of commercial and 30,000 square feet of office space proposed to be built if two five year phases (impact/mitigation of $ 45 million)
- SilverLeaf Plantation DRI consists of about 7,285 acres of land which comprises of about 10,700 residential units, 1,140,000 square feet of commercial, 300,000 square feet of office space and 330,000 square feet of light industrial development proposed to be built if three five year phases (impact/mitigation of $ 150 million)
- Saratoga Springs consists of about 2,442 acres of land which comprises of about 4,250 residential units, 344,000 square feet of commercial, 387,000 square feet of office space, a 250 bed hospital and a 18 hole golf course development proposed to be built if two five year phases (impact/mitigation of $ 60 million)
- Timucuan DRI consists of 6,070 acres of land which comprises of about 10,300 residential units, 800,000 square feet of commercial and 200,000 square feet of office space development proposed to be built if two five year phases (impact/mitigation of $ 190 million)
Performed project Trip Generation using the ITE Trip Generation handbook. Determined Project traffic distribution using the JUATS and NERPM travel demand forecast model. Determined the study area and the links included.
Performed link analysis and the intersection capacity analysis in the study area. Determined the improvements required for the links and intersections to operate under an acceptable LOS. Used HCS 2000 and Synchro to perform intersection capacity analysis. Calculated the project proportionate share for the traffic impacts on links and intersections for each phase of the project.
Corridor Study
Corridor Study – SR 200 (A1A), Nassau County, FL
Project Engineer responsible for the traffic study of the SR 200 (A1A) corridor to assess existing traffic conditions, estimate future traffic conditions and make recommendations for interim and long-term transportation improvements. Evaluated the effect of six proposed roadway projects in eastern Nassau County on SR 200 (A1A) for the year 2015 and year 2025 traffic conditions. The evaluation included the determination of the best combinations of proposed roadway projects that provided the most relief to SR 200 (A1A) in terms of congestion, delay and safety. Developed a benefit cost index for each of the project combinations and prioritized the projects.

Design Traffic Study
Amelia Concourse Design Traffic Study, Nassau County, FL
Project Engineer responsible for providing design traffic analysis and study to determine the required geometry for the proposed construction of Amelia Concourse in Nassau County, Florida. Performed AM Peak hour, PM Peak hour and Daily Trip Generation Calculations of all the approved developments located on Amelia Concourse. Utilized The Nassau County 2015 extrapolated FSUTMS traffic-forecasting model to develop project traffic distribution on the roadways for Amelia Concourse Drive Projects. Estimated the percentage diversion of background traffic from SR 200 (A1A) and CR 107 due to the construction of proposed Amelia Concourse using the Nassau County 2015 extrapolated FSUTMS traffic forecasting model. Established turning movements for both AM Peak hour and the PM Peak hours at each of the project driveways along Amelia Concourse to determine the required geometry for the proposed construction of Amelia Concourse.
Design Traffic Analysis and Traffic CEI Services
Max Leggett Parkway Design Traffic Analysis and Traffic CEI Services, Jacksonville, FL
Project Engineer responsible for providing design traffic analysis for the widening of 2.5 miles of 2 lane minor arterial to a 4-lane divided arterial. Assisted the project manager in performing Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) services for the modification of two existing signals, installation of three new signals and underground fiber optic interconnection in accordance with FDOT Construction Inspection Quality Control Guidelines and the City of Jacksonville CEI requirements.
Design Traffic Analysis: The design traffic analysis performed for this roadway widening project also included access management analysis for several new/proposed mixed use developments (including residential, commercial, medical office and hospital uses) along the corridor. This helped in planning and providing access to future developments as a good access management practice preserving improved traffic flow along the corridor.

Race Track Road Commercial
Race Track Road Commercial, St. Johns County, FL
Project Manager responsible for providing Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Concurrency Land Development Traffic Assessment for the proposed retail development on Race Track Road. The proposed development is anticipated to include 90,000 SF of retail development that includes several outparcels. The study included trip generation, project traffic distribution (Using NERPM42 – Travel Demand Model), roadway segment analysis, intersection capacity analysis to determine the impacts of the proposed development on roadway segments within a four-mile radius of the proposed development. The analysis also included operational analysis and evaluation to determine the need for a signal, auxiliary turn lanes (left turn and right turn lanes) at the proposed access intersections on Race Track Road.
MOT Traffic Analysis
MOT Traffic Analysis, State and Union Street Phase 2, Duval County, FL
Performed traffic analysis to determine the closing of two lanes on State and Union Streets between Clay Street and Liberty Street to expedite completion of construction of the street-scaping improvements on both streets would cause traffic on Union Street to back up onto I-95 and recommend a detour plan that would alleviate traffic congestion on State and Union Streets. Used Synchro/SimTraffic 6 to prepare capacity analysis and prepare a simulation of the corridors to project the backups due to lane closure and determined how much traffic must be diverted during the AM and PM peak hours to prevent the backups onto I-95 and the Mathews Bridge Expressway.

Signal Warrant Analysis
Signal Warrant Analysis, Several Locations, Northeast Florida, FL
Rajesh has performed Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis for several existing and proposed intersections in Northeast Florida. Used MUTCD guidelines in performing the signal warrant analysis.
CSX Pavement Management
CSX Pavement Management Program
Project Engineer provided consulting services in Pavement Management Program for CSX’s 20 Intermodal Terminals. Used a proprietary software, Infrastructure Management System IV (IMSIV) to reduced field collected pavement condition data, provided budget analysis including Optimum and Custom budget analysis and recommended pavement sections and appropriate rehabilitative and restorative repair/construction work type that justifies and provides the maximum rate of return for their capital funds/investment. The optimum analysis of the IMSIV software was used to perform custom analysis that involved applying engineering judgment on the pavement conditions and selected pavement sections for rehabilitation/restoration that provided the maximum utilization of available capital funds/budgets and least disrupted the day-to-day terminal operations.

DRI Notice of Proposed Change
Downtown Jacksonville DRI Notice of Proposed Change – 2007, Duval County, FL
Project Engineer responsible for providing extensive traffic analyses in 2007 to support modifications to the development order conditions for the Consolidated Downtown DRI. In this case, the development order phasing was reaching a phase milestone with rather significant or impossible transportation conditions looming before entering the next phase of entitlements. The 2007 NOPC has not been filed with the State yet, but was created to solve a couple of major issues. In addition to a phase extending objective, the 2007 NOPC was also designed to relate to the Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) strategies adopted by City ordinance. The 2007 work examined the individual impact of the component DRI’s that make up the now Consolidated Downtown DRI.
Transportation Concurrency Exception Area
Downtown Jacksonville, Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) – Transportation Analysis, Duval County, FL
Project Engineer responsible for a DRI type analysis of regionally significant roadways for the purpose of assessing the required regional roadway improvements associated with the proposed TCEA for City of Jacksonville. The project comprised of Southside Downtown DRI, Northside West Downtown DRI and Northside East Downtown DRI, which were analyzed separately. Performed project Trip Generation for the subject DRIs using the ITE Trip Generation handbook. Used the Northeast Regional Planning Model (NERPM 2000) to determine background traffic and project traffic distributions for the subject DRIs. Evaluated the future roadway conditions consistent with methodologies described in 2002 LOS handbook published by FDOT. Performed link analysis to determine the significant and adverse roadway links in the study area.

Cecil Commerce Center Concurrency Evaluation
Cecil Commerce Center Concurrency Evaluation, Duval County, FL
Project Engineer responsible for assisting Jacksonville Economic Development Commission (JEDC) with their transportation related master planning efforts for Cecil Commerce Center. Based upon the desire by the City to entice development to Cecil, an alternate method to the City’s standard traffic concurrency methods was deemed necessary. Specific objectives of an alternate approach were identified as certainty and predictability. Based on these objectives, the parameters used in the J. Turner Butler/SR 9A/Baymeadows Transportation Management Area was adopted to create a similar approach for Cecil. This approach considers an area-wide mobility measure as opposed to focusing exclusively on individual roadway links for concurrency determination. Also, the resulting transportation “fee” per trip is uniform for Cecil as opposed to widely variable which the City’s existing system produces.
Riverwalk Traffic Impact Study
San Marco Riverwalk Traffic Impact Study, Duval County, FL
Project Engineer to analyze the traffic impacts of the project. Estimated the impact of this project on the Downtown Roadway network and intersections. This proposed project was the first to face the parameters outlined in the Downtown TCEA ordinance. As such, King and the JEDC worked extensively to quantify the benefits of the various TCEA strategies to the impacted roadway network. This King study served as the basis for the development of monitoring procedures developed by JEDC.

SH130 Toll Road
SH130 Toll Road, Travis County, TX
As a Traffic/Transportation Designer, Rajesh performed Freeway Analysis in the interim design (45 mile stretch) of the SH130 project. Included ramp junction, weaving section, signal warrant and intersection analysis for the opening day year 2007 and the horizon year 2025 traffic using HCM, HCS, MUTCD and Synchro for the analysis. Rajesh prepared submittals and schematics for the Traffic Analysis Reports. Rajesh also prepared and reviewed traffic control phasing plans, duct bank plans and prepared construction phase route detour plans for section 6 of SH130 project.
Interchange Operational Analysis Report
I-95 / Pecan Park Road Interchange Operational Analysis Report (IOAR), Duval County, FL
Project Engineer responsible for preparing Interchange Operational Analysis Report (IOAR) to investigate the improvements required at I-95/Pecan Park Road interchange in Duval County, Florida. The analysis involved forecasting future year (Design year) traffic volumes at the interchange, AM peak and PM peak intersection capacity analysis, and prepared micro simulation of the interchange, and recommend geometric improvements required for the interchange to operate at an acceptable LOS. Used FSUTMS (NERPM 2000) to forecast future year design volumes and used Synchro/SimTraffic 6 to perform intersection capacity analysis and prepare simulations.

ITS/Pricing Strategies
ITS/Pricing Strategies for Managed Lanes, TxDOT, TX
Rajesh was responsible in determining factors influencing demand elasticity for managed lanes, for developing an optimization model evaluating pricing strategies that maximize utility of managed lanes and toll revenue (Congestion Management Tool). Rajesh also evaluated user behavior to determine an optimum toll for LBJ freeway in Dallas, TX. Rajesh further evaluated the Profile of Toll Road Users in the DFW Metroplex.
Analysis of Pedestrian Gap Acceptance
Analysis of Pedestrian Gap Acceptance, Arlington, TX
Determined the critical gap accepted and statistically compared the means of the gaps accepted by the male and female pedestrians, by investigating the gap acceptance characteristics of the two groups at a marked crosswalk connecting the Student parking lot and the University Building on Border Street.